Step into a meticulously restored piece of history with our designer-builder team, breathing new life into an 1860 heritage-listed gem in Randwick. Crafted under the guidance of Architect Philip Abram, this renovation celebrates authenticity.
Original Kauri pine boards, weathered by time, have been lovingly revived and seamlessly interwoven with locally sourced pre-loved Kauri pine. The aged allure of lath and plaster walls, a testament to the home's history, has been preserved through traditional patching techniques.
What was once an old boarding house is now an entirely resurrected, meticulously crafted home – with the addition of a study in the old attic – this residence combines modern functionality with historical charm. At the intersection of preservation and innovation, our team took pride in delivering timeless elegance for this historic property.
Architect: Philip Abram
Photographer: Alex Savidis